Dispute Resolution

Conflict is unavoidable. Disputes are resolvable. Places of abrasion and friction between us are opportunities we can turn toward. But not without care, and not if our ideas of winning do not account for mutuality.

I am invested in principles of omnineutrality that understand the status quo as a positional series of investments that often go unspoken and unnamed.

I am interested in supporting non-exiling alternative dispute resolution processes toward collective flourishing.

To that end, I have undertaken several training opportunities, including in Marshall Rosenberg's modality of Non-Violent Communication, and Kai Cheng Thom's Loving Justice lens.

I have also completed courses and programs toward formal recognition as a mediator on the lands upon which I live:

I currently volunteer with the Community Mediation Calgary Society and am working toward completing the requirements for my QMed designation. I look forward to opportunities to actively support people looking for dispute resolution processes that address conflict as embodied, culturally informed experiences that can build kinder collective futures.

Along with my co-supervisor, Dr. Danielle Peers, I recently gave a keynote presentation on coordinating values to support consensus neutrality at the World Mediation Summit. An abridged version of the SlideDeck for that keynote is included below:

Citational Information:

Peers, D. & Fawaz, N.V. (2024, June 10-12). Coordinating values to support consensus neutrality - ABRIDGED [SlideDeck]. Originally presented: World Mediation Summit, Edmonton, AB and online. https://adrlearninginstitute.ca/world-mediation-summit/. Accessed online: https://www.nathanviktorfawaz.com/pages/4998.

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